29 November 2008

Contents, Description & Page No.

Instructions: If you find something of interest in this Contents listing, note it’s page number then go to the BLOG ARCHIVE headings at the side of the blog and click on it's page number for faster access.

The Three-Fold Path of Life and Death (Page1 of 24)
-Diagram of the "3 paths thru life and death" showing the Higher and lower Planes

Who am I? (Page 2 of 24)
-A brief explanation as to why I have set up this site

Orthodox Priests vs. Ascended Masters (Page 2 of 24)

Tree of Life (Page 3 of 24)

-Inspiration for the chart on page 1

Higher Soul Plane (Page 4 of 24)

I am That, I AM (Page 5 of 24)
-Includes explanation of this Biblical Name of God

Ye Are Gods (Page 5 of 24)
Is Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life? (Page 5 of 24)
Mormon Temple (Page 5 0f 24)
Greater Light and Knowledge (Page 5 of 24)

-The Greater Light and Knowledge promised to the Mormon Temple patrons
-The Holy Royal Arch Degree in Freemasonry

Orthodox Religions (Page 6 of 24)

White Star Heaven (Page 7 of 24)

Soul Plane (Page 8 of 24)

-Meaning of the Christ
-Difference between the Higher and lower chakras
-Key to overcoming human emotions

Angelic Garments of Light (Page 8 of 24)
Importance of the Heart Centre (Page 8 of 24)
-Magnificent illumination of the Eighteenth Degree of Freemasonry

Pre-existence (Page 9 of 24)
-We are Eternal Beings

Resurrection and the Ascension (Page 10 of 24)

Higher Mental Plane (Page 11 of 24)
-Violet Flame
-Finest Spiritual Practice for all students of Truth in these days
-Ritual of Baptism
-Real Spiritual Key to Purification
-Trinity of orthodox Christianity
-The Silver Cord

The Mark Degree in Freemasonry (p11 of 24)

Subconscious-Mind Plane (Page 12 of 24)
-Highest Inner-self
-Black Void

Mental Plane (Page 13 of 24)
-Temporary paradise or heaven of orthodox Religions

Higher Astral Plane (Page 14 of 24)

Astral Plane (Page 15 of 24)
-Hell and purgatory
-Does Satan really exist?
-Hell for eternity?

Cremation vs. Burial (Page 16 of 24)

Higher Physical Plane (Page 17 of 24)
-Etheric Plane
-First Inner Spirit World
-Importance of Cremation

Secret Retreats (Page 17 of 24)
-Shambhala, Mt Shasta, Grand Teton
Earths in the Universe (Page 17 of 24)
Physical Plane (Page 18 of 24)
-The Purpose of Life

The Truth Shall Make You Free (Page 19 of 24)

Prophets vs. Masters (Page 19 of 24)
-Teachings of the Mormon Church
Old Occult Methods (Page 19 of 24)
Masters vs. the Ascended Masters (Page 19 of 24)
-Bible contains 30% of the Truth
-Orthodox Religions are like...
-No Religion higher than Truth

Left-hand path (Page 20 of 24)
-Symbolism explained
-Meaning of the Second Death
-Michael the Archangel

Science vs. Religion (Page 20 of 24)
Creation vs. Evolution (Page 20 of 24)
Golden Age (Page 20 of 24)
Two Trees in the Garden of Eden (Page 20 of 24)
Second Coming (Page 20 of 24)

Right-hand path (Page 21 of 24)
-Symbolism explained
-Jesus taught Reincarnation

The Secret Middle Path to Eternal Life (Page 22 of 24)
-Jesus appears physically to His disciples after His Resurrection
-New Dispensation
-Process of the Resurrection and the Ascension
-Mormon Church's teachings regarding the Celestial Kingdom
-Soul-Mate or Twin-Ray

Higher and lower Planes (Page 23 of 24)

Dream Worlds (Page 23 of 24)
Illusion vs. Reality (Page 23 of 24)
-Biblical story of Lazarus and the Rich man
-Great gulfs between the Spirit Worlds

Highly Recommended Reading (Page 24 of 24)

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