18 November 2008

White Star Heaven (Page 7of 24)

C. W. Leadbeater who was a 33rd Degree Mason teaches us; "that for true light and fuller information we must lift our eyes to that bright and morning Star whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient among men." ("The Hidden Life in Freemasonry" by C. W. Leadbeater p270) 

The reason the Highest Heaven appears before us in the Inner Worlds as a White Star I believe is because it symbolizes a Sun Heaven which is Higher or further away in the Heavens. White Light encompasses all the divisions of colour which make up the lower worlds. Here I believe is where our White Fire Body of the I AM Presence dwells. 

In the book "Heaven and Hell" by Emmanuel Swedenborg (p348) we are taught: "The only access to an angelic community is by a Narrow Way... The Doors and Gates to heavenly communities are not visible, except to people who have become ready for heaven; other people do not find them." ("Strait is the Gate and Narrow is the Way which leadeth unto Life and Few there be that find it."-Jesus (Saint Matthew 7:13)

It seems to me that the Bible story of the Wise men following a White Star in the Heavens which leads them to the baby Jesus could symbolize the Spiritual Journey which all Wise men and women need to make. That is, I believe we all need to go on the Spiritual Journey Within to the White Star Heaven where we will find the Christ Consciousness.

"The Kingdom of God is Within you."-Jesus (Luke 17:21) May God bless you all "until...the Day Star arise(s) in your Hearts."(2 Peter 1:19) 

"This point of Light or central nucleus is the Central Spark or Son, the Christ of Humanity around which all humanity revolves. This is determined Spirit force... The Central Spark is a point of Pure White Light." ("The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" by Baird T. Spalding Vol 3:64)

Beloved Master Lanto teaches: "Beloved Children of Earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages. [the Golden Age] ...The cycle changes and we enter a New Dispensation... In this New Order the discipline for the neophyte [a new convert] will be the focusing and the maintaining of his attention entirely upon the three highest centers [chakras] of the body, and he will do all his work at these points. Only the centers in the heart, throat, and head will receive conscious consideration and attention. The entire effort of the aspirant will be to hold his attention upon these, for only by looking away from the lower centers will he ever be able to rise out of misery and limitation. The center at the top of the head is the highest focus in the human body, and there the Silver Cord of Liquid White Light from the Great Source of Creation enters. When the attention of the mind is held fast upon this, the Door of the Soul is opened and the Threefold Activity of the Pure White Light encircles the waist just below the solar plexus, cutting off forever the destructive activities of the animal nature in man. This permits his soul to leap forth into its Complete Divine Activity, united once more with the Perfection of Its Source, and Eternally thereafter Master of all human creation - which means the discords of earth. Sincere students should meditate frequently upon the Perfect Action of the Golden Light within the head, for It will illumine and teach the outer mind all good things. This is the Light of the God Within. One should feel It filling his entire consciousness, his body and world. This is the 'Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world,' and there is no human being in existence who has not some of this Light within him..." ('Unveiled Mysteries' by Godfre Ray King, p255-256) 

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